09 Feb 2009
A Draft Environmental Impact Report/DEIR was released to the public in June 2009. Based on the volume of comments and interest in the DEIR, the City Planning Department extended the comment period. In the years since the close of public comment, the City Planning Department stated that portions of the draft document would be recirculated for public input, including a revised project description.
Public comments addressed a wide range of issues, such as impacts on local schools, utilities/water usage and other City services; loss of public recreation & natural habitat; loss of historical record, i.e., Tongva Tribe/CCC camp/Tuna Canyon Detention Station, increased impact on the already treacherous Tujunga Canyon Blvd./La Tuna Canyon Rd/Honolulu Ave traffic corridor and fire safety.
Around this same time, Mark Handel/MWH Development disappeared from the project.